5 Delicious Benefits of Herbal Tea - Leaves of Leisure

5 Delicious Benefits of Herbal Tea

When we’re all working too much and juggling too many projects, finding authentic ways to rejuvenate that truly enhance wellbeing can seem impossible. Yet, even in the midst of chaos, it’s possible to find radiant moments of stillness, balance, and bliss. 

Those moments are what we live for and there’s something empowering in being able to create them for yourself. How? Here’s one idea: find peace and wellness by slowly, mindfully steeping a pot of exquisite, aromatic herbal tea. Take a deep breath. Let go. 

Yes, it can be that simple and that delicious. Best of all, herbal tea comes with a host of health-boosting benefits—ready to hear all about them?

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation might flare up at any time, and this painful and uncomfortable immune response can put a serious damper on your day. It can be caused by stress, lack of sleep, and those pesky sugars and saturated fats that are so hard to avoid when you’re eating on the go.

Herbal teas are your secret weapon against inflammation, and different varieties can help with different root causes. Rooibos is great for lowering bad cholesterol, hibiscus can stave off those little sugar cravings, and chamomile is excellent for menstrual inflammation and helping you get some rest. 

The Undisputed Champion

Green tea is packed with flavonoids that boost heart health and bust cholesterol. Antioxidants add another dimension to its beneficial effects, reducing the risk of several cancers and giving your skin that clear and vibrant glow. Without a doubt, green tea is the way to go if you’re suffering from inflammation. 

And here’s a little tip to boost a single cup’s effects by up to 10 times: add some matcha powder. It’s a miracle worker!

Boosts Immunity

With COVID-19 still lurking around, even a healthy immune system can use all the help it can get, but it’s hard not to get run down with your hectic life as it is. If you’re feeling worn out and your immune system is dragging, give yourself  a booster shot with a cup of immune-supporting herbal tea. 

Ginger has long been known throughout India and Southeast Asia as an immune system superfood, and tea is a fantastic way to get your daily dose. Green tea is very effective as well, but a sleeper hit is turmeric. Turmeric teas contain curcumin, which recent scientific studies have linked to immune wellness. You don’t have to tell a yogi though; they’ve known about it for thousands of years! 

Helps Alleviate Cold Symptoms

No matter how much you look after yourself, sometimes you’re just going to catch a bug. The sore throats, swollen sinuses, and aching joints caused by common colds can take a step out of your stride in no time.

Herbal teas are excellent natural remedies for symptoms that too often lead us to popping pills that barely help anyway. Why flood your system with weird chemicals? The warm steam and soothing icy heat of a cup of high quality peppermint tea will release those swollen membranes and keep your system hydrated for a speedy recovery. Licorice has similar properties, and also adds in some antimicrobial properties as well to help reduce the sinus issues that come with being under the weather. 

Guards Against Stress 

Inflammation, colds, and  immune system issues are all challenging to deal with, but the number one culprit affecting overall health and wellness today is stress. And boy, is the world full of it.

We all feel the pressure to work extra hours and weekends, and in between it’s all we can do to shuttle our family between activities and obligations. It is not selfish to take some time for yourself. In fact, you owe it to yourself and to everyone else who’s counting on you to keep yourself healthy.

Tea is the traditional ancient ritual for focus, meditation, and spiritual grounding. Green teas and herbal tea are the traditional choice with low or zero caffeine to spike your energy during your moment of rest and decompression. From boiling the water, to steeping, to quietly enjoying your well-deserved cup of bliss, the tea ritual will melt your stress away and leave you revitalized and ready to face that chaotic world in no time. 

Creates a Space for Pleasure and Reflection 

There are many health benefits from drinking tea, but the most important reason is not avoiding sickness. It’s about being well.

Whether its a mug of brisk and restorative lemongrass herbal tea or the entrancing, musty aroma of jasmine flowers and matcha steeping in a delicate porcelain cup, every experience is an opportunity to slow down for a beat and enrobe yourself in serenity and calm. 

Everything from the aroma to the warmth of the cup invites you to relax, center your energy, and focus on this moment in time. And why not? You deserve it.

Drink Tea. Be Well. Repeat.

Tea is a truly magical product that is hugely beneficial for your health, wellness, and most importantly, your soul. A cup a day can boost your immune system, ease your mind, and give you the lift you need to get back out in that crazy world refreshed and ready to go.

Leaves of Leisure has curated an elegant herbal tea selection to instill you with calm, relaxation and awaken your inner creativity with evocative scents and notes. Our nostalgic blends will transport you to faraway places with mint and spice, all while helping you stay grounded right where you need to be.
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